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Discover OPENTVET.COM, Kenya's leading platform for TVET colleges! Aligned with CDACC curriculum and occupational standards, it offers CBET courses study notes, and Exam Revision resources to enhance learning and skills.


  1. Amos Njogu

    TVET CDACC EXAM July/August 2024 Demonstrate entrepreneurial skills examination paper 36

  2. Promote Teamwork

    LEARNING OUTCOME 3 Promote Teamwork

    Teamwork fosters collaboration, creativity, and innovation by uniting diverse skills and perspectives. It enhances problem-solving, boosts morale, and drives productivity. By encouraging open communication and mutual respect, teams can achieve common goals more effectively, creating a positive...
  3. Apply entrepreneurial motivation

    LEARNING OUTCOME 4 Apply entrepreneurial motivation

  4. Create entrepreneurial awareness

    LEARNING OUTCOME 3 Create entrepreneurial awareness

  5. Identify entrepreneurship opportunities

    LEARNING OUTCOME 2 Identify entrepreneurship opportunities

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